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ESTATE MANAGMENT - Recruiting, vetting vendors that will suit your needs whether long term, part-time, or temporary. With extensive research we'll find the best person to suit your needs and fit your lifestyle. A credible, experienced person, that's trustworthy, reliable  and knowledgeable.


Having over 30 years experience, when it comes to seeking the right candidate refer to my wealth of knowledge pertaining to "how" an Estate needs to be managed and maintained. From interior; kitchen appliances, laundry, woodwork, marble, sterling silver flatware, Crystal, China, Baby Grand piano's, Oriental or Indian rugs, bed linen's, vintage luggage, small leather goods to Couture.


I have experienced over the years that not all domestic help is aware as to how the maintain and preserve the items aforementioned. Many clients are frustrated with their lack of understanding or knowledge of high end goods or U.S. electrical items and appliances.

To exterior; sprinkler systems, outdoor HVAC units maintenance, lighting, roofs, pruning, and windows. A large Estate needs an experienced professional that walks the property regularly to look for issues or problems. Correcting them before they become costly. 

We will learn the property, understand the needs of the client, and recruit the candidates for not only their experience, but a personality fit as well. Many great staff have been let go not from their being incompetent, but because of personality conflicts. So it is imperative the  personality mesh from the start. A representative will discuss with you your requirements, size of home, expectations, budget  and length of employ. Consults are hourly. 

COMMERICAL | RESIDENTIAL CLEANING - A fully, bonded  team is available for daily or weekly cleaning of store fronts and businesses, offices, apartment buildings, schools, gymnasiums, construction clean-up.


Carpet cleaning, wood floors and window cleaning is offered as well, Green products are available upon request. 


A representative will meet you to discuss your needs, the size of the building, and frequency to determine a flat rate. Consults are hourly. 

HOARDING -  This is the most personal of the services we offer. We understand the challenges in allowing a stranger to enter your home to assess the level of service that will be required to transform a house back into a home. Rates will be determined on the severity of environment. Consults are hourly. 

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